Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chef Shuna with Her Type of Biography

By reading chef Shuna Fish Lydon’s personal blog called Eggbeater, she briefly introduced her background, working experiences and interests. It is easy to tell that she uses first person point of view wrote the biography, and she mostly targeted on her personal experiences. Specifically, she firstly told audience how she named her blog, why she named the blog “Eggbeater”. Then she mainly targeted on introducing her field of work, for example, she is a professional on-the-job trained chef for over 16 years in New York, California and London, and she listed the places where she works before. In addition, she is an instructor, consultant and food writer-for-hire. Lastly, she wrote down all her interests, and I guess this is the way she can make more interaction and connection with those people who are interested in looking at her blog.

Related to narrative elements she used, she wrote her biography in chronological order, about when she works in either San Francisco, or New York. Also, she describes her personality in using several adjective words, like tough, thorough, methodical and efficient. In this way, audience could directly know what kind of person she is, and what kind of personality builds her to get success. In addition, I think she uses metaphor, secretly told us she is major in pastry chef by using “Eggbeater” as her blog’s name. Like everyone knows, eggbeater is one most important machine when you baking. Last but not the least, she uses listing to divide her biography into three parts: background of the blog, herself and her interests.

General Speaking, she chooses to use internet to make connection with people, and let us know who she is. Also, I can tell she is really friendly that welcomes everyone enjoys her type of writing and her special posts in the blog.

Shuna Fish Lydon’s blog:

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