Thursday, March 7, 2013

Things Learned During the Spring Break

As everyone noticed that Spring break is approaching to the end, many of my friends went on vacation, but me. During the break, I mostly stay at the room, watch TV shows, do some review for the upcoming exams and homework, and I learned a lot. In detail, first thing I learned is how to choose resources for research paper. In my research process, I realized that I have tons of secondary sources rather than primary source. Thus, what I did is trying to find an interview or survey report to state my research purpose, and then add it into my research paper. Also, I narrowed down my research topic. Like what Kate mentioned me before, I have too much information for my topic, and I only have to focus on one of them. So now, I am clear what I need to write and focus on my paper.

In addition, I found that the book The Curious Researcher is very useful. For example, in book page 157, it introduced five ways to write your topic sentence for your statement. They are thesis from a question of value, a question of policy, a question of interpretation, a hypothesis question, and a relationship question. So I can easily find my purpose of thesis, and use the module sentence it provided to write it.

To sum up, I learned many useful things in this break, and I believed many of you guys learned more than I do.:) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It seems that you had a substantial break. I spent most of my time on travelling this spring break, and I found we could also learn much during the trip. As for my research paper, I think The Curious Reseacher is very cool too. I could find many useful information for the paper in this book, even some important sentences which I could use. I think maybe next break I would stay at home and do some reading as you did too. It's just another way to enjoy ourselves!
