Saturday, March 16, 2013

Contemplating Controversy in Field of Accounting

The controversial topic I chose from my field relates to how the economics system affects accounting. The main issue is about whether cultural and economic differences between the US and Japan will prevent US firms from successfully implementing Japanese and Deming management methods. Basically, the current situation in global business is quite different. Like the articles describes, “Critics of the American system contend that successfully competing in today's global economy requires a whole new set of attitudes and assumptions about how to optimize the benefits obtained from economic activity (Martin).” As a result, Americans are too individualistic and competitive to operating the business. On the other side, Japan has less more concerns about failing in the economy. Its culture and economic system fit the requirements perfectly. Also, they prefer to work in groups and teams, in this way, they are more focus on the collective performance rather than the individual performance. The different business concepts in the US and Japan have the different results in business. Obviously, Japan has a better performance and structure in doing business. “Cooperation between individuals, employees and management, departments, companies, industries, and government and business are key ingredients in the Japanese system (Martin).” 

However, the cause of this controversy is because of failing of American business system. This issue, which deals with the ability of American companies to compete with the Japanese, is fairly comprehensive and extremely thought provoking. Also, it concerns about how American can change their system in order to operate the economy better.

The website link:

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