Saturday, March 16, 2013

Contemplating Controversy in Field of Accounting

The controversial topic I chose from my field relates to how the economics system affects accounting. The main issue is about whether cultural and economic differences between the US and Japan will prevent US firms from successfully implementing Japanese and Deming management methods. Basically, the current situation in global business is quite different. Like the articles describes, “Critics of the American system contend that successfully competing in today's global economy requires a whole new set of attitudes and assumptions about how to optimize the benefits obtained from economic activity (Martin).” As a result, Americans are too individualistic and competitive to operating the business. On the other side, Japan has less more concerns about failing in the economy. Its culture and economic system fit the requirements perfectly. Also, they prefer to work in groups and teams, in this way, they are more focus on the collective performance rather than the individual performance. The different business concepts in the US and Japan have the different results in business. Obviously, Japan has a better performance and structure in doing business. “Cooperation between individuals, employees and management, departments, companies, industries, and government and business are key ingredients in the Japanese system (Martin).” 

However, the cause of this controversy is because of failing of American business system. This issue, which deals with the ability of American companies to compete with the Japanese, is fairly comprehensive and extremely thought provoking. Also, it concerns about how American can change their system in order to operate the economy better.

The website link:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Personal First Work Experience

This Wednesday, I had my first work experience in school dining room. To be honest, this job is my first job in my life, and I was super excited about having this work experience. Dining office assigned me as one employee in the Terra Salsa Verde section in Hubbard Dining Hall.

At the beginning, I thought we only need to serve people food, and it is simple. But I was wrong. We have a lot of works need to do, not only serving. Firstly, I learned how to operating the cooking machines for making nachos and quesadillas. Personally, I was not sure if I can make Mexican food for people, even I tried several times of tacos, quesadillas and burritos before. Also, like majority of Chinese students knows, we rarely had Mexican food in China, so I had less confidence about cooking this kind of food. However, after awhile, I found it is not hard, and we only need to memory the name for the ingredients, then follow the instructions shown on the side of cooking machine. During my other half of work time, my job was to help people put toppings on their nachos, quesadillas and tacos. The most amazing part of this job is I would never feel alone, because people were always in the fruit line. Also, when the food gets empty, I had to go back to the cooling room and filled more food in it. It is fun. After the dining room was closed, all the employees had the responsibility to clean the dining area, so that next morning shift can have less to do.

I am really appreciated that I got the chance to do this job. Because in this way, I not only learned how to cook and serve food, it is also a social experience that can practice in my life. Moreover, it is so meaningful that start from now on, I had my own salary and job, and really proud of myself.:)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Critical Reading and Response

This is the poster I found for this assignment.

Critical Reading
Preview: All black and blue letters and words covered on poster.
First Impression: The words on the poster use different fonts and size with two colors, black and blue. Also, it is associated with humanity and communication.
Key Ideas: All words are telling people how to be success in business in the society.
Connections: It seems like this poster are trying to encourage people do well in business, and some key ideas about how to be success.
Questions: Why the words on the poster use different size and color? Also, why words composing cross each other?
Summary: The style that ads use is more likely a professional business kind, associated with all the key ideas to get success, and uses different font size to emphasize the importance.

Critical Response
Key Question: Why this poster can have influence to people in business?
Detail Analysis: Words like “Goal”, “Trust”, “Challenge”, “Learning”, are the core concept to make success in business. Moreover, the poster illustrated the most and the least important ideas for people in business, and tells people what should be put more efforts on.
Interpretation: In detail, words the designer chose to use in this poster are related to business. The color in black and blue also gave people a great impression on hardworking and stay confidence.
Synthesis: The poster itself are only combined with words, it looks simple. However, the purpose for this poster design are trying to tell people what are the key elements in business, and it uses capital fonts to emphasis the importance of this elements.
Final Synthesis: As everyone knows, business is something about communication, so that the poster designer uses this key concept, put the words in order, and made a list of importance for these strategies about making success. It can be also seen as people’s experiences in doing business in this society, and how they teach others to be focus.

Ways it can teach people about my field in Accounting:
Accounting, as one core major in business field, I chose this poster to tell people the key element to be success in business. Also, it teaches you the importance of those elements can have influence in your future.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Things Learned During the Spring Break

As everyone noticed that Spring break is approaching to the end, many of my friends went on vacation, but me. During the break, I mostly stay at the room, watch TV shows, do some review for the upcoming exams and homework, and I learned a lot. In detail, first thing I learned is how to choose resources for research paper. In my research process, I realized that I have tons of secondary sources rather than primary source. Thus, what I did is trying to find an interview or survey report to state my research purpose, and then add it into my research paper. Also, I narrowed down my research topic. Like what Kate mentioned me before, I have too much information for my topic, and I only have to focus on one of them. So now, I am clear what I need to write and focus on my paper.

In addition, I found that the book The Curious Researcher is very useful. For example, in book page 157, it introduced five ways to write your topic sentence for your statement. They are thesis from a question of value, a question of policy, a question of interpretation, a hypothesis question, and a relationship question. So I can easily find my purpose of thesis, and use the module sentence it provided to write it.

To sum up, I learned many useful things in this break, and I believed many of you guys learned more than I do.:)